B+V Mineral- und Rohstoffe GmbH


Your supplier for mineral raw materials

For many decades we have been supplying our customers with mineral raw materials such as lime, dolomite, phonolite, andesite, diabase and basalt in various grain sizes. We have been working with many customers and suppliers for decades and always look forward to new requirements! Because of our experience in the area of ​​mineral raw materials, we can provide you with competent advice when it comes to new applications!

The company "B+V Mineral- und Rohstoffe Willi Lammert GmbH" is aware that the lime, dolomite and zeolite products you sell are further processed in the animal feed industry and that contamination by chemical, biological or physical contamination occurs in every production step is to be avoided. The employees know that your product forms the beginning of a food chain, at the end of which they themselves as food consumers are. Safety for people, animals and the environment must be guaranteed in any case.

B+V Mineral- und Rohstoffe Willi Lammert GmbH has introduced a quality system that ensures that the HACCP requirements are met. The quality system is documented in writing and is explained in more detail here.

For "B+V Mineral- und Rohstoffe Willi Lammert GmbH" as a dealer of mineral products for the feed industry, the goal is to ensure the quality of the manufactured product until it is taken over by the customer. The contractually agreed product specifications are guaranteed until this point of takeover.

The customer's requirements, the requirements of feed legislation and also the requirements of the GMP+ standard are met for every delivery.

In addition, the management personally ensures that all legal regulations from the federal government and the EU are introduced into the company in a timely manner. In order to comply with these regulations, there are clear requirements for the quality and workmanship of the product. Permitted deviations from these specifications are included in the requirements.

The products that B+V trades are not physically stored or mixed on any B+V premises or other area of ​​responsibility.

The documents are checked continuously (at least once a year) to ensure they are up to date. The GMP representative is responsible.

An external audit takes place once a year in accordance with GMP/HACCP guidelines. A HACCP team is installed and functioning.
In order to keep the system up to date, you are subscribed to the GMP International newsletter. QS also sends current information to all participants via newsletter. You can also subscribe to the Agricultural Weekly Bulletin, which always contains the latest information from the areas of agriculture, GMP and QS (once a week).

The feed safety system is evaluated and further developed annually.





Because of 40 years of experience in the raw materials sector, we can always offer you a product that, in addition to the required quality, also has the best price.

Sustainability is our top priority and we try to work with our freight forwarders to optimize the freight route in order to protect the environment.




Rolf Lammert, Managing Director


48 Hours

more than 30 years
Market experience

